Systems Audits for Soulpreneurs: 

Make sure your business is set up to serve your people


Are you a soulpreneur with an incredible offering, but you struggle to find clients at the rate that you would like? You may have a systems issue...


Systems Audits for Soulpreneurs: Make sure your business is set up to serve your people

Are you a soulpreneur with an incredible offering, but you struggle to find clients at the rate that you would like? You may have a systems issue...


Build the badass Intersectional Feminist Business of your dreams that the world has been needing for far too long


Enough of the same old online business bullshit. Y'all have read the same sales script too many times. Let's talk about how to build profitable, service-centered businesses with trauma-informed care, equity, and revolutionary feminist framework.

That's where I come in:


As a Feminist Business Coach, I help my clients construct, sell and scale their signature offers and programs...and usually you need to be a 1:1 client to access my editing and strategic support.


BUT for an extremely limited time you can purchase a systems audit for your business. 

PURCHASE NOW: $650.000

✦ A full audit of your website: I will edit everything from your sales page and about me to your services tab and provide complete edits to make your copy morespecific/compelling and set up to scale.

✦A full audit of your nurture sequence: To make sure that if people are joining your community they are staying engaged and will convert to paying customers.

✦ A full audit of your funnels: Have a signature offering? I will go through the customer experience from finding to purchasing your program (or signing up for a 1:1 call!) and make sure your offer is clear, and that the way you are positioning it will attract the right customers!

✦ A full audit of your on-boarding process: Once someone is curious about working with you, is your system set up to seamlessly begin your collaboration? I'll make sure all your metaphorical T's are crossed and I's dotted.

When you purchase an audit, I will personally ensure that the way you have built your business systems MAKES SENSE for your ideal customer and is set up to attract and sell to them in a value-aligned way.


Upon purchasing you will receive a questionnaire with instructions on how to send me all of your relevant links and details. I will spend the next 2-weeks auditing your systems and providing feedback to upgrade your systems and make your operations run more smoothly, serve your clients better, and ultimately make you more profitable.


Then we will meet for a 1-hour session where you'll be coached on honing your messaging and creating a more impactful business model as a result of the audit.

You'll also get access to 30 days of email support to ask for feedback on updates that you make from our time together.

PURCHASE NOW: $650.000



Cost: $650


(or two payments of $350. Payment One due upon purchase/Payment Two upon receipt of your audit materials)

PURCHASE NOW: $650.000

Who is this for?

All business owners (service or product based) who desire a keen and experienced eye to go over their business systems. Great applicants will already have a website and client on-boarding process (this could be a client application link and services page or a full-fledged email sequence. The point is to optimize what you are using, so don't shame where you are starting from!) This is not a good fit for people who do not yet have a clear offer or are still figuring out what their services are.


How quickly after purchasing will my audit happen?

Upon purchasing, you will receive a client survey within 48 hours that includes instructions for how to submit the materials needed for me to complete your audit. As soon as you respond with your relevant materials, I will get back to you within 14 business days with a full report of your edits and suggestions and call times for our meeting.


What results can I expect from my audit?

Most of my clients have incredible services...but don't have business degrees and simply lack the expertise to make purchasing or inquiring about services an easy-no-brainer for their ideal customer. When I audit your systems we change this. We make sure that everything is set up to convert to client calls and applications so that your business can find, reach and support the people you started it to help in the first place. Upon completion of your audit you will feel more confident in your business' structure and have a system set up to scale your revenue.


Please note, qualified clients who wish to inquire about 1:1 support are eligible to apply the cost of their audit to a 1:1 container with me.

"When I started working with Cara, I wasn't really sure what to expect. I was a little apprehensive about the process, but knew in my heart of hearts, that my business could not continue the way it was going and I needed help. I was headed straight for a burnout of epic proportions and had very little insight into my own blind spots (of course!). Committing to coaching with Cara not only saved my business and my health, but it empowered me to scale, grow, and change sustainably. I was able to heal deep wounds that I didn't even realize were impacting me. The perfect program that combines witchiness and business wisdom. Thank you, Cara!"


— Kate Belew, Word Witch

Here ' s why ANN loves the program:

— Ann, Somatic Sex, Love & Leadership Coach


And here ' s why CHLOE loves the program:

— Chloe, Certified Life Coach and Yoga & Meditation Teacher


"The courses, tools, and skills Cara teaches, along with her general approach as a caring, warm, strong, funny, insightful person and coach, have helped me initiate huge, powerful, incredible changes in my life. I left the 9-5 world and went full-time with my business. Being in this program helped me think about my business in healthy and beautiful ways, heal new layers of money blocks, and cultivate more safety and patience with my growth and success as a business owner. I highly recommend this program for people who are relatively new in their work or ready to focus on their work in a more spirituall and soul-oriented way!"


— Cecily Sailer, Creativity Coach

Why Business Witch worked for PETRA :

— Petra, Feminist Life Coach


Love from REBECCA:

— Rebecca, Medical Detective & Family Nurse Practitioner


More love from MARISOL:

— Marisol E. Tarot Reader, Healer and Witch



Business Witch is a self-guided, self-paced journey that will guide you through the same breakthroughs a client would have with me in three months of one-on-one coaching. It is the first-ever of its kind to make the deep, potent, life-changing magic of coaching accessible for entrepreneurs outside of a 1:1 container. It brings revolutionary thought leadership to your business in a way that will help you be the change you want to see in your industry.


✦ Clearly identify your brand narrative rooted in your sacred mission…and feel excited to sell that in a way that is expansive and value-aligned

✦ Lovingly cultivate your relationship to wealth and build a deeper and more secure relationship to abundance, confident in naming your rates, investing in your business, and able to coach your own clients through their money blocks

✦ See yourself as a channel for creating abundance in your own life, able to make money as needed. You will be a steward of money, creating it with your gifts instead of feeling like you have to extract it or hustle for it (this result means that ultimately this course will make you your investment back in droves)

✦ Have a comprehensive understanding of ethical sales and a model for doing sales calls in an authentic and high value way for prospective clients

✦ Expand your toolkit as a practitioner, and therefore be a more confident, qualified and effective service provider- We have a full guide of resources to set up your skill building far beyond the program!

✦ Define your scope of practice, learn the basics of trauma-informed care, and a have a guide of how to refer out or recognize when your client is potentially being harmed by the work

✦ Learn valuable tools for accountability in your own practice, and have a protocol for client issues, refund requests, team management, group program conflict resolution and more

✦ Feel confident to run your business your that you never have to read a business book a white dude wrote in 1997 again.

✦ Want to know exactly how to create results in your business…but feel in your bones that it is more than action steps that create results. You know there are mindset shifts and embodying confidence that you need support to work through so that you can serve powerfully…and not from fear or imposter syndrome.

✦ Want to have this business for the rest of your life. You are in this work because it lights you up, you love helping people, and there is nothing else you could possibly want to do more. For you, this course has the potential to make you millions in the lifetime of your work.

✦ Feel suspicious of program marketing claims like “Make $100,000 in your coaching business in your first six months with my proven 7- step method” because you know you can’t sell personal development like that…and so you want to invest in the program that balances mindset, strategy, ethics, and skill-building. This is that program.

✦ Are a witch. Meaning you believe in a divine force inherent in all things, that we are part of a bigger universal wisdom. And you want to work in connection with that so that you can empower yourself, empower your clients, empower the world. Without spiritual bypassing.

✦ Are ready to have the business you’ve been dreaming of now, and not six months or three years from now. You are ready to sit down and apply yourself for three months of dedicated work, the result of which will set you up for a lifetime’s worth of success.

There are four modules, each includes videos, workbooks, meditations and spells. We recommend completing each module in approximately two-three weeks, though you get access to the course materials for four months.

As you complete each module, you also get the option of one weekly coaching call with Cara to answer any questions or deepen your integration of the materials. These calls are open to all program participants and take place every Wednesday at 12pm PST.

At the end of the program, you have the opportunity to take a brief multiple-choice test to show mastery of the material, for which you will receive a Certification from Empowered Coach Mastery Program to add to your credentials. You will also have the opportunity to apply the cost of your program to Cara’s next business coaching program or toward a 1:1 container any time that you sign up with her for the next three years (this opportunity is available only to those who pass the mastery exam and is subject to availability).

Module 1: Trusting your mission and trusting yourself

  1. Clarify why you do this work, and why selling that is a service to humanity.

  2. Connect to the value of your offer and build a business from self trust.  

  3. Create commitment and consistency in your business + expand your capacity to perceive “problems” as challenges and “failure” as learning opportunities. This alone will make being an entrepreneur so much easier. 

  4. Build resilience  with receiving rejection, perceived dislike, and the vulnerability of putting your soul work on the line.  

  5. Develop your client concept so you can partner with ideal clients in a way that creates sacred trust and powerful work.

AT THE END OF THIS MODULE you’ll have the foundation for a business that is a reflection of your mission. If you have a business already, but haven’t gotten the results that you want, you’ll have a clear, actionable and empowered understanding of the gaps that have been keeping you from getting where you want to go, as well as how to fill them. You’ll feel confident and clear about your client concept, your first offer, and the energy you embody to sell as an act of service, not sleaze.



Module 2: Building Your Strategy From Your Why

  1. Build a business plan to create your ideal salary in the next 1-3 years. This will also give you a framework for replacing full or part time employment with your business earnings. 

  2. Create your offer suite in a way that feels achievable and good for your nervous system. You will stretch and confront discomfort, but you will also be aligned with your values.  

  3. Understand how to do work that creates results…not expend energy and feel stressed without actually getting anywhere.

  4. Generate your system for enrolling clients in a way that feels right for you- I provide 8 different strategies and then coach you through what feels authentic for you.

  5.  Learn the mastery of enrollment calls so that they feel amazing for you and your clients (especially the part where you talk about the money)

AT THE END OF THIS MODULE you will have a business plan, monthly budget and clear idea of how your offers can be structured to both create your income now…and your dream income a year from now. Your plan will be clear, actionable, strategic and rooted in how much you actually want to make, not some arbitrary exciting sounding fabricated figure (for some of you that will be $5k a month, for others it will be $15k...both are great!) You’ll have an enrollment structure that feels exciting, so you are eager to get out there and connect with potential clients. When you have enrollment calls and collaborative opportunities, you’ll have a framework that enables you to onboard clients easily, but you’ll also learn what works for you. We don’t do templates in this program because…they can’t work for everyone. This module will support you in coming up with a way that feels authentic for you, because authenticity sells much better than templates.



Module 3: Coaching Ethics and Efficacy

  1. Learn the basics of trauma-awareness and nervous system regulation for both your clients and yourself.
  2. Discern between ethical sales and manipulation sales tactics. Feel confident and grounded when you sell, and then sign more clients because of it.

  3. Radical Accountability is a requirement of client-centered work. Learn how to do deep work with people in an imperfect world where we all eventually fuck up or take something the wrong way...and have a process for when this happens.

  4. Get my toolkit of most beloved coaching tools and expand your skillset, and confidence as a result.

  5. Building trust in your efficacy is a lifetime practice- set yourself up for a career and a lifetime in personal development.

AT THE END OF THIS MODULE you will have a defined scope of practice, new coaching tools to share with clients, and a roadmap for continuing to uplevel your skillset. You will also feel more confident, secure and empowered to deal with client issues, potential complaints, refund requests, or your own blindspots…so you feel confident to powerfully and ethically hold space while also having an accountability plan for inevitable circumstances that are part of working with people’s deepest truths.



Module 4: Coaching + Money through an Intersectional Lens

  1. Become a steward of sacred abundance and model your business as such.

  2. Learn energetic practices for wealth and abundance for yourself, your business, your clients and your community

  3. Up your worthiness of having money--because when you make money, your community benefits too. 

  4. Learn the intersectional approach to taking risks to make money. There are start-up costs in business, but you don't have to keep graduating to "higher level" learning to learn how to create wealth. This program breaks this down for you step-by-step.

  5. Write a $ story that is congruent with your values and serves your people as much as you.

AT THE END OF THIS MODULE you will have worked through your own money blocks. You will feel excited to be paid for your work and you will feel confident naming your rate. You’ll also be able to build your business plan to align with your values so that as you scale, you continue to feel great about making money in your business. If desired, you will have a plan for sliding scale, lower ticket offers and revolutionary pricing models. This deep work has the capacity to make you all the money you've been hoping...and it will address a lot of the ideology that has likely made money mindset work feel some kinda way to you in the past.To quote revolutionary Black feminist thought leader Sonya Renee Taylor "Anything anyone ever told you about scarcity is a lie."

This offer expires on February 29, 2024 (or when spots are filled)

More proof that Business Witch works!


✦ Business Witch

✦ Bonus 1: Wealth Meditation

✦ Bonus 2: Pitching for Publicity Class

✦ Bonus 3: Spells for Success Book



Or 2 payments of $547

✦ Business Witch

✦ Bonus 1: Wealth Meditation

✦ Bonus 2: Spells for Success Class



Or 2 payments of $547

Cara Kovacs

is an intersectional feminist, trauma-informed empowerment coach. Named as 2019’s one of “35 People Under 35 To Watch In Wellness” by Wanderlust, she has helped hundreds of people actualize their deepest dreams. In her 4th year of multi-six figure entrepreneurship, she has helped her clients make millions while building their soul-called work and sharing it with the world.

She is a daughter of immigrants and witches, Magna Cum Laude graduate of The University of Florida with a degree in Women’s Studies: Theories and Politics of Sexuality. She received additional training in the Master’s program at New York University’s Silver School of Social Work, 600-hour certification VITA Coaching, and certification via The Ethical Coaching Collective. She is a Reiki Master, attuned by her mother, who also taught her how to read cards and live life guided by the moon.

She is a Virgo and the proud dog-mom of a very neurotic corgi.


I am extremely grateful to you as my guide in this work. The questions you asked me to consider provided a foundation for me to look at beliefs that I held my entire life. The questions and your gentle presence provided a safe space for me to look at these beliefs without judgement, anger, or further trauma. I could examine them like a collection of stones and shells from the beach and decide what to keep and what to let go. In this gentle way, I let go of so many beliefs I did not need. Beliefs about sex, sexuality, femininity, and my body that I absorbed from my culture and the world around me that harmed my self-worth. You provided a bridge to get me across from the stuck place I hadn’t realized I was into a place where I can breathe easier. I believe this is vital work that I needed now in order to move forward and upwards to the next levels of my empowerment. I wish this work were not necessary. That our culture was not so harmful to women and women’s sexuality. But it is and we are lucky to have Cara doing the work she does to undo this harm.

If you are ready to have the business of your dreams…
let’s fucking go.

I see you Witch!
I can’t wait to hear about all the people you help!

PURCHASE NOW: $650.000