September 12th, 14th and 20th @ 7pm EST/4pm PST

For coaches, healers and wellness practitioners who crave impact and success without compromising their heart-centered work for toxic capitalist ideology and cringy personal development selling techniques.


September 12th, 14th and 20th @ 7pm EST/4pm PST

For coaches, healers and wellness practitioners who crave impact and success without compromising their heart-centered work for toxic capitalist ideology and cringy personal development selling techniques.


I know you do this work because you love it.

I, like you, have gotten so much healing from coaching spaces. But if the way that you were taught sales, enrollments and wealth building felt like it did not resonate...or maybe actually made you a little pissed off, I'm glad you found me.

I am on a mission to help heart-centered entrepreneurs make bank while they live into their purpose. We need wealth redistribution to fund movements...BUT we can't get there by playing into the very ideologies to which we feel morally opposed.

The great thing about the way I teach business building is that you will feel more relaxed and empowered and excited about sharing your work, instead of like you are trying to do what some pyramid-schemey personal development person told you to say to manipulate someone into saying yes to working with you. Cringe.

All three classes are designed to bring you into deeper congruence with every part of your work, from the marketing and sales process, to the client-centered work you love. Invite your coach friends! 

CLASS ONE: 09.12 @ 4:00 PM PST/7:00 PM EST

Ethical Enrollment Calls

After being asked many times about how I operate enrollments, I am sharing the method I use with you in class. We will focus on ethical sales, coaching on money, maintaining the clients’ sovereignty while guiding powerful work, and generally doing enrollments differently than you were taught to do. I made this method up myself, and I have found that with my clients it helps to eliminate much of the anxiety and fear of forcing that people have about selling their services. We will go through the model and have time for Q+A.

CLASS TWO: 09.14 @ 4:00 PM PST/7:00 PM EST

How Your Childhood Trauma is Showing Up In Your Business 

Procrastinating? Fear of judgment or being seen? Have a perfectionist streak? Don’t listen to your body when you’re burnt out? Your inner child is probably in your operations…and that is not only bad for business…it is bad for you! In this class we will go on a journey of reclamation and healing for your young parts. Their feelings are valid, but they shouldn’t be running your business!

CLASS THREE: 09.20 @ 4:00 PM PST/7:00 PM EST

Opting Out of The Personal Development Pyramid Scheme

Do you cringe at the way other coaching schools of thought teach about building a practice? Do you center client care, sovereignty and results over success metrics like profit and speed of scaling? Amazing, you are in this work for the right reasons. There are too many spaces selling "service" as a disguise for covert manipulation...and if it feels weird to coach that way in your body, it is likely because that method of coaching isn't for you. In this class we are going to talk about protecting our client's agency, the power dynamics of personal development, and centering client care in a powerful way that generates heart-centered results.


Hear more from our clients!


✓ Understand why you're getting in your own way in your work and have some strategies to stop.


✓ Feel excited about enrollment calls and the opportunity to connect with people about your work.


✓ Have wayyyyy more clarity about how and why to invest in business support in a way that makes your goals feel tangible.


âś“Be primed to make more money with less drama about it.


âś“Reconnect to your mission and your why...and feel reinvigorated about doing this work with soul.

You've been looking for the guide to scaling that aligns with your values. Meaning you want results, but you don't want sales hacks. You want to make (more) money, but you also want to acknowledge the interlocking system of white supremacist patriarchy that impacts the equity of making money while you do it. You want to be your own badass boss...but without compromising your authenticity, attempting to conform to bad business advice that never resonated for you anyway, and feeling like you are just throwing spaghetti at a wall with your business strategy and hoping some of that shit sticks.

I'm an Intersectional Witch--in my spaces we merge magick with strategy and mindset...without bypassing or appropriating. We do business differently, because radical business owners are going to change the world and my roll on that journey is to steward y'all to success more quickly...because we need y'all to be successful to create that change.

If that resonates, get ready for a different kind of class series..the kind that puts a fire under your ass without telling you to simply energetically manifest your way to 5-figure months by cold pitching people in the DMs.

We are gonna unearth what's authentic for you...because that is always what works best.


Cara Kovacs

Is an intersectional feminist, trauma-informed Business Coach on a mission to help you make money and fund social movements so we can topple patriarchy with equal access to capital. Named as 2019’s one of “35 People Under 35 To Watch In Wellness” by Wanderlust, she has coached entrepreneurs, coaches and teams to build their ethical business dreams. In her 6th year of multi-six figure entrepreneurship, she has helped her clients make millions while building their soul-called work and sharing it with the world.


She is a daughter of immigrants and witches, Magna Cum Laude graduate of The University of Florida with a degree in Women’s Studies: Theories and Politics of Sexuality. She received additional training in the Master’s program at New York University’s Silver School of Social Work, 600-hour certification VITA Coaching, and certification via The Ethical Coaching Collective. She is a Reiki Master, attuned by her mother, who also taught her how to read cards and live life guided by the moon.


She is a Virgo and the proud dog-mom of a very neurotic corgi.


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