MAY 21ST, 22ND & 23RD  

10AM PST/1PM EST - 11:30AM PST/2:30PM EST

MAY 21ST, 22ND & 23RD @ 1PM EST/10AM PST

Are you a coach, healer, consultant, or any other service-based professional offering transformative work, but struggling to achieve consistent business growth?


You know you have something valuable to offer, but lack the know-how to scale and reach your revenue goals.


Join us for a transformative 3-day series designed to take you from upredictable results to sold-out success and discover the essential strategies and systems to propel your business forward.

In the series, you will learn…


🤍 The mindset that is keeping you stuck at an inconsistent income

🤍 What thoughts, beliefs, practices and rituals will help you approach the parts of business that you most need to succeed (system building, offer creation, copywriting, and money work) with joy

🤍 The simple solutions to optimizing your business practices

🤍 The ethical business sales and marketing techniques that have helped me sell over $1,000,000 in 1:1 coaching with sliding scale, low and high ticket offers

🤍 How to leverage your business as an extension of activism

🤍 The secret to embodying that your success is a gift to the world

🤍 How investing in your community IS the key to sustainable income and long-term success


Hi 👋 I'm Cara Kovacs

I dropped out of Social Work school in 2014 when I realized I was paying $60k for a graduate degree to work a job with a starting salary of $43k. 

I am extremely passionate about social justice and wanted to work in a service profession. But with a chronic medical condition and the desire to live in NYC, I quite literally could not afford it.

That’s when I discovered Coaching, a profession that not only meant I could do the work I had been called to do, but also gave me the freedom to live the life I wanted. By year three (2019), I had scaled my business to multi-six figures and have helped over 500 feminist entrepreneurs build theirs too.

Did you know that white men control 98% of capital wealth? (Forbes, 2020) Who do you think is investing in mutual aid? Women’s reproductive rights? Saving the planet?

I see entrepreneurship and the financial freedom it provides as a tool to help heal our grief-stricken world…and I am passionate about helping people who resonate with that make the kind of money that can not only support their families, but flip the wealth paradigm in our favor.

To do that, you need business systems and practices that BOTH align with your values AND make you money. I teach business building at the intersection of feminist values and profitability. And I want to help YOU add zeros to your bank account while doing what you love…which I know has the power to change the world!

 You want to scale your business revenue, but you: 


👉 Don’t resonate with how online coaches teach business building because they don’t reflect your ethical values 

👉 Have already invested deeply in becoming an incredible healer, but lack the fundamental business skills necessary for you to succeed

👉 Don’t align with “if you want to make more money, raise your rates” because you don’t want to pass the cost of your income increase onto your clients

👉 Crave a business model that has space for high-ticket contracts but still serves the people you went into business to help in the first place

👉 Recognize that people may not be able to afford your services because they are impacted by systems of oppression and lack of equity

👉 Want to feel good about selling, with a profitable sliding scale

👉 Want sustainable revenue that you can rely on for years to come


👇 If that’s you 👇

Here 's why CHLOE loves working with Cara:

— Chloe, Life Strategist, Executive Coach & Yoga Instructor


TORRENCE shares his experience working with Cara:

— Torrence, Astrologer & Writer


Love from REBECCA:

— Rebecca, Medical Detective & Family Nurse Practitioner


More love from NISHA:

— Nisha, Life Coach for Liberatory Dreamers and Leaders


Even more love from ERICA:

— Erica, Life Coach & Empowerment Mentor


Wise words from MARISOL:

— Marisol, Spiritual Consultant, Bruja & Coach 


is an intersectional feminist, trauma-informed empowerment coach. Named as 2019’s one of “35 People Under 35 To Watch In Wellness” by Wanderlust, she has helped hundreds of people actualize their deepest dreams. In her 6th year of multi-six figure entrepreneurship, she has helped her clients make millions while building their soul-called work and sharing it with the world.

She is a daughter of immigrants and witches, Magna Cum Laude graduate of The University of Florida with a degree in Women’s Studies: Theories and Politics of Sexuality. She received additional training in the Master’s program at New York University’s Silver School of Social Work, 600-hour certification VITA Coaching, and certification via The Ethical Coaching Collective. She is a Reiki Master, attuned by her mother, who also taught her how to read cards and live life guided by the moon.

She is a Virgo and the proud dog-mom of a very neurotic corgi


Or 2 payments of $547


Business Witch is a self-guided, self-paced journey that will guide you through the same breakthroughs a client would have with me in three months of one-on-one coaching. It is the first-ever of its kind to make the deep, potent, life-changing magic of coaching accessible for entrepreneurs outside of a 1:1 container. It brings revolutionary thought leadership to your business in a way that will help you be the change you want to see in your industry.


 Clearly identify your brand narrative rooted in your sacred mission…and feel excited to sell that in a way that is expansive and value-aligned

 Lovingly cultivate your relationship to wealth and build a deeper and more secure relationship to abundance, confident in naming your rates, investing in your business, and able to coach your own clients through their money blocks

 See yourself as a channel for creating abundance in your own life, able to make money as needed. You will be a steward of money, creating it with your gifts instead of feeling like you have to extract it or hustle for it (this result means that ultimately this course will make you your investment back in droves)

 Have a comprehensive understanding of ethical sales and a model for doing sales calls in an authentic and high value way for prospective clients

 Expand your toolkit as a practitioner, and therefore be a more confident, qualified and effective service provider- We have a full guide of resources to set up your skill building far beyond the program!

 Define your scope of practice, learn the basics of trauma-informed care, and a have a guide of how to refer out or recognize when your client is potentially being harmed by the work

 Learn valuable tools for accountability in your own practice, and have a protocol for client issues, refund requests, team management, group program conflict resolution and more

 Feel confident to run your business your that you never have to read a business book a white dude wrote in 1997 again.

There are four modules, each includes videos, workbooks, meditations and spells. We recommend completing each module in approximately two-three weeks, though you get access to the course materials for four months.

As you complete each module, you also get the option of one weekly coaching call with Cara to answer any questions or deepen your integration of the materials. These calls are open to all program participants and take place every Wednesday at 12pm PST.

At the end of the program, you have the opportunity to take a brief multiple-choice test to show mastery of the material, for which you will receive a Certification from Empowered Coach Mastery Program to add to your credentials. You will also have the opportunity to apply the cost of your program to Cara’s next business coaching program or toward a 1:1 container any time that you sign up with her for the next three years (this opportunity is available only to those who pass the mastery exam and is subject to availability).

More proof that Business Witch works!


I am extremely grateful to you as my guide in this work. The questions you asked me to consider provided a foundation for me to look at beliefs that I held my entire life. The questions and your gentle presence provided a safe space for me to look at these beliefs without judgement, anger, or further trauma. I could examine them like a collection of stones and shells from the beach and decide what to keep and what to let go. In this gentle way, I let go of so many beliefs I did not need. Beliefs about sex, sexuality, femininity, and my body that I absorbed from my culture and the world around me that harmed my self-worth. You provided a bridge to get me across from the stuck place I hadn’t realized I was into a place where I can breathe easier. I believe this is vital work that I needed now in order to move forward and upwards to the next levels of my empowerment. I wish this work were not necessary. That our culture was not so harmful to women and women’s sexuality. But it is and we are lucky to have Cara doing the work she does to undo this harm.