The Feminist

Business Framework:

Sick of coaches telling you to girl-boss-mindset-manifest your way to 7-figures? 


Want to learn proven strategies that actually scale your service-based business in the real world?

Learn the Framework, Live, for Free, on September 24th and 25th from 10:00 am PST - 11:30 am PST

Ready to build your dream business and craving value-aligned support?

Let's get you from where you are now to clear, confident, and collecting cash with trauma informed and equitable coaching.

Want to learn proven, ethical strategies that actually scale your service-based business?


Learn The Feminist Business Framework, Live, for Free, on September 24th and 25th from 10 am PST-11:30 am PST.

In this free 2-day series I'll Teach you my signature framework --

rooted in a feminist praxis so you can scale your service based business with simple, tangible and strategic steps that aren’t by-passy AF and lead to clients, confidence and revenue.

This series has been designed to help YOU go from:


→ inconsistent business results with no concrete systems to... 

→ knowing exactly what you need to scale without following troppy sales advice that gives you the ick or trying to mindset-manifest-girlboss-hustle yourself into being a millionaire.

As a Witchy Woo Woo Woman who loves her astrology and lives life aligned with the moon, nothing irks me more than people selling you sleazy sales metrics and appropriatve faux spiritual advice as if it is going to make you money in your business.


Do the ritual babe, but back it up with STRATEGY and INTENTION that ACTUALLY creates results.


In the series, you will learn ⤵


What it actually takes to build sustainable revenue for your online business in 2024 - 

(from someone who has sold over $1,000,000 in coaching services)


A feminist framework for selling ethically without coercion 

so you are EXCITED for your sales calls



How to communicate the tangible value of your offer 

(even if the results are intangible)



How to leverage your business 

as an extension of your sacred activism



A somatic practice 

for recognizing the difference between a mindset block and real, valid, and NORMAL feelings that will come up in every stage of business


Simple easy to implement steps to create your goals

in Q4 in 2025


If sales and marketing feel challenging, and you’re seeking a way to embrace your sacred yes,

this video on the feminist framework is made for you.


Who this is for…

You are a coach, healer, facilitator, consultant, herbalist, acupuncturist, mystic or other service-based professional who offers transformative work to your clients.


You want to scale your business revenue, but you →


👉 Don’t resonate with how online coaches teach business building because they don’t reflect your ethical values

👉 Have already invested deeply in becoming an incredible healer, but lack the fundamental business skills necessary for you to succeed

👉 Don’t align with “if you want to make more money, raise your rates” because you don’t want to pass the cost of your income increase onto your clients

👉 Crave a business model that has space for high-ticket contracts but still serves the people you went into business to help in the first place

👉 Recognize that people may not be able to afford your services because they are impacted by systems of oppression and lack of equity

 👉 Want to feel good about selling, with a profitable sliding scale

 👉 Want sustainable revenue that you can rely on for years to come

I scaled my business to multi-six figures by year three (2019) and have helped over 500 feminist entrepreneurs build theirs too.

Because YOU deserve better than barely scraping by in a job you don’t even like because society said that was the “safe” thing to do. And YOUR CLIENTS need the work that you have to offer. When you succeed the world is a better place.

My job is supporting you in getting their in a value-aligned way.

Hi! I’m Cara!

I dropped out of Social Work school in 2014 when I realized I was paying $60,000 for a graduate degree to work a job with a starting salary of $43k. 

I am extremely passionate about social justice and wanted to work in a service profession. But I quite literally could not afford it. With a chronic medical condition, and the desire to live in NYC, I knew I needed to figure out a way to make more money and do the work I wanted to do, just differently.

So I became a coach. ⤵



Did you know that white men control 98% of capital wealth? (Forbes, 2020)

Who do you think is investing in mutual aid? Women’s reproductive rights? Saving the planet?

Hi! I’m Cara!

I dropped out of Social Work school in 2014 when I realized I was paying $60,000 for a graduate degree to work a job with a starting salary of $43k. 

I see entrepreneurship and the financial freedom it provides as a tool to help heal our grief-stricken world…and I am passionate about helping people who resonate with that make the kind of money that can not only support their families, but flip the wealth paradigm in our favor.

To do that, you need business systems and practices that BOTH align with your values AND make you money. I teach business building at the intersection of feminist values and profitability. And I want to help YOU add zeros to your bank account while doing what you love…which I know has the power to change the world!

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